Chopsticks Don't Make It Culturally Competent: Addressing Larger Issues for HIV Prevention among Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Asian Pacific Islander Men
Coming-Out in the Intersections: Examining Relationality in How Korean Gay Men in Seattle Navigate Church, Culture and Family through a Pacific Lens
Crafting the normative subject: queerying the politics of race in the New Zealand Health education classroom
Examining the State of Health Research on Pacific Rainbow Communities in New Zealand; Literature Review
Experiences of and Responses to Social Discrimination among Asian and Pacific Islander Gay Men: Their Relationship to HIV Risk
Exploring discursive barriers to sexual health and social justice in the New Zealand sexuality education curriculum
Fa'afafine: Queens of Samoa and the Elision of Homosexuality
Fijian Males at the Crossroads of Gender and Ethnicity in a Fiji Secondary School
Globalizing Drag in the Cook Islands: Friction, Repulsion, and Abjection
'Good morning boys’: Fa’afāfine and Fakaleiti experiences of Cisgenderism at an all-boys secondary school
Hands and feet: A reflection on Polynesian navigation—a Niue Fakafifine community practitioner perspective in Aotearoa-New Zealand
"Hell... unless they repent of their sins and turn to God": The problem of Bible translation and the potential impacts of Israel Folau's comments on Maori and Pasifika minority sexualities
Homomilitarism: The Same-Sex Erotics of the US Empire in Guam and Hawai‘i
Identity and Self-Presentation in the House/Ball Culture: A Primer for Social Workers
Laughter and Truth in Fiji: What We May Learn from a Joke
Manalagi Talanoa: A community-centred approach to research on the health and wellbeing of Pacific rainbow LGBTIQA+ MVPFAFF communities in Aotearoa, New Zealand
Mental illness stigma among Pacific Islanders
Migrating Genders: Westernisation, Migration, and Samoan Fa'afafine
Pacific Perspectives: Fa’afafine and Fakaleiti in Samoa and Tonga: People Between Worlds
Paradise Lost? Social Change and Fa'afafine in Samoa
Queer Contexts in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand
Queer Pacific
Queer Pacific mobilities: Translocal bodies in the poetry of Dan Taulapapa McMullin
Queering disasters: on the need to account for LGBTI experiences in natural disaster contexts
Queering women, peace and security
Querying heteronormativity among transnational Pasifika teenagers in New Zealand: An Oceanic approach to language and masculinity
“Relationships So Loving and So Hurtful”: The Constructed Duality of Sexual and Racial/Ethnic Intimacy in the Context of Violence in Asian and Pacific Islander Lesbian and Queer Women’s Relationships
Samoan Queer Lives
‘Sissy that walk’: Reframing queer Pacific bodies through the FAFSWAG Ball
Sluts and superwomen: The politics of gender liminality in urban Tonga
The Health and Well-Being of Transgender High School Students: Results From the New Zealand Adolescent Health Survey (Youth' 12)
The social production of abjection. Desire and silencing among transgender Tongans
Thinking outside the rainbow: women of color redefining queer politics and identity
Transforming our Future in te Moana Nui a Kiwa
Transgenderism, Locality, and the Miss Galaxy Beauty Pageant in Tonga
Transnational Interest Convergence and Global Korea at the Edge of Race and Queer Experiences